Shabnam Parvaresh
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Shabnam Parvaresh and Sofia Labropoulou duet @ort/peterkowaldgesellschaft.

Saturday, 05.10.2024 at ort/peterkowaldgesellschaft ! Shabnam Parvaresh and Sofia Labropoulou duet! Double ConcertoPart 1: Thorsten Töpp & Christopher VarnerPart 2:...
Erel – Labropoulou – Parvaresh trio @20 years Exploratorium Berlin Anniversary.

Klänge bilden & Bildung durch Klang: Seit 20 Jahren steht das exploratorium berlin für künstlerische Kreativität und ästhetische Bildung. Als...
Sheen Trio & Sofia Labropoulou @Morgenland Festival Osnabrück

Sheen Trio & Sofia Labropoulou Shabnam Parvaresh, born and raised in Tehran, is blessed with extraordinary talents. She studied fine...
Klangfenster Festival 2023 (photos)

Korhan Erel, Sofia Labropoulou and Shabnam Parvaresh.

“Midday-Prayer” in the winning submissions for the Beyond Music V.3.

Winning Submission “Midday Prayer” by Sofia Labropoulou All the winning submissions will be part of the Beyond Music Project Vol.3....